
target audience- Main group of people that the advertisement is trying to appeal to buy the product.

message- Communication to the head, making the person want to buy the product. Usually sent by words or signals.

work ethic- A set of values looked for based on hard work and diligence.

employability skills- Certain skills for making a good career and keeping a job.

20/20 rule- Every 20 minutes, you look at least 20 feet away.

right- to- know laws- Laws that has to do with handling with toxic 
things and their health.

guidelines-  Future guides for an action.

extensions- Something that gets extended.

contextual menu-Limited set of items you could use.

clipping mask- Shapes picture so that only the image inside can be visible.

hue-  The colors itself.

primary colors- Red, blue, and yellow.

secondary colors- Primary mixed together.

tertiary colors- Primary and secondary mixed together.

neutral colors- Black, brown, white and gray.

continuous tone image- Using pixels in the file.

resolution- The pixel used in a limited image.

file size- The amount a file takes up. Usually measured in kilobytes and megabytes.

typography- Process of printing with type.

typeface-The style of the font.

serif-A smaller line that finishes a letter.

body type- physical view of the font.

display type- How the font is being viewed.

reverse type- lighter text on a darker back round.

point size- measurement of the inter- baseline.

flush left- everything (text) that is aligned all to the left.

flush right- all the text is aligned to the right, mostly used for graphic use.

centered- text is in the center, it is very a formal affair. Be careful on how you use it.

justified- all the text is in a block, aligned to the left and right.

small caps- cap letters that are aligned at the waist line.

lining- very uniform.

non- lining- not uniform.

leading- space in between in lines

margins- extra important white space.

kerning- adjust space in between indv. characters.

Tracking- same as kerning but with paragraphs.

concept- an idea; something formed on one's mind.

final product- end results.

thumbnail- quick sketch to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

initial cap- larger decorative capital letter at the beginning of text/ paragraph