
I was supposed to create some icons to represent things such as a florist, ice cream, and a chef. I learned that making icons by using the shape and line tool isn't as easy as it looks.(left)
In assignment 7 (bottom right) we had to make ourselves look like we are in group picture. What I did was i took a picture of myself in the photo booth then saved the picture in the photo booth file. Once I did that, i opened up Photo shop and opened up the picture i took and opened up the picture of the cast of How I Met your Mother. I dragged my picture onto the taxi picture and clicked on the making icon and started erasing around my picture and tried to make smooth so it looks natural. I did the theme as going on a water slide because when I was a little girl, I have always wanted to go on a water slide in the summer.( below)
In assignment 8, we had to create a picture out of typography. I chose the polar bear because they're so adorable. Also for this assignment, all we had to do is use one word, which i used Polar. We were only to use one word for the whole picture. We had to add value to the picture so I made the words smaller in some parts of the picture and overlapped to make it look darker.(bottom)
assignment 11- We were to find a poem or lyrics to a song. Then to take a picture of something that would go with the song. The song I chose was ''Who You Are'' by Jessie J and the picture i took was located in my backyard. It was taken with my dad's professional camera. Well once we had the picture and lyrics, we had to find a notebook texture for the backround. Finally, we manipulate the image and lyric and make it look faded so the lyric is easy to read.
assignment 13- we had to create a body using our own creation because we couldn't know what our other group members were doing. We also had to use emphasis and formal balance. My job was to do elbow to the knee, I decided to use mickey mouse and the Disney theme because it's so cute. I think my group a good job on this assignment because we managed on using the principles needed and packaging it.
assignment 14- We were given either a career or organization. I got PIAG, the biggest printing organization in Georgia. What we had to do is create a poster of our company or job and sort of advertise it, such as like putting their website and a description on what it's about. We also had to research and sketch before we put the final poster together then package it.
assignment 15- Well first we had to create our own paper textures by using the brushes. Then we had decorate around the paper with any brush you want so I decided to use a floral type brush and overlapped two colors, turquoise and hot pink. We had to find either lyrics to a song or poem. I chose "Let me down easy" by Billy Currington. For the initial capital, we had to create it ourselves in InDesign and also the text. For the final thing, I had to package it.
Assignment 16- Using the info we got from watching all the videos, we had to create a timeline describing all the events that happened. I decided to use an ipad because i wanted the audience to think that you had to click on an app to see the info; they are in order.