Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Podcast #4 Typography

Define typography? 
Art of expressing ideas through the selection of appropriate typography.

Where did the word "typography" originate from?

What does typography involve?
typeface, character, type style,base line, waist line, ascender, descender, point, body type, serif

What is a typeface?
Visual symbols.

What is another term for typeface?

What is a character?
letters and numerals.

What is type style?
letters, numerals, and punctuations.

What does type style "create" within a design?
Bold, italic, condenced, roman, and heavy.

What is the waist line and what does it indicate?
it's the typface terminology and it indicates the imaginary line above and below the letters.

What is a base line and what does it indicate?
the base line is the imaginary that expands the waist line.

What is an ascender?
character part that extends below the base line.

What is a descender?
line that finishes off the bottom of the character.

Describe a serif?
vertical measurement.

How can the size of the typeface be identified?
by measuring the points from top to bottom.

What is a point?
the unit measure.

How many points are in an inch?
72 inches.

What is a pica and how many are in an inch?

How many points are in a pica?

What is body type and where can it be found?
body type is the type body that ranges from 4 pt. to 12 pt.Found wehre it needs to be read more.

What is the key to selecting appropriate typefaces to be used as body type?

What is display type and how is it used?
size above 12 pt. Usually headings.

What is reverse type and when would it be used?
White type on black back round or a darker color. It can be found in Advertisement ot title for books, etc.

What is body type and where can it be found?
4-`12 pnt

What is the key to selecting appropriate typefaces to be used as body type?

What is display type and how is it used?
12 pt draw att

What is reverse type and when would it be used?
white type on dark BG

What is a typeface classification?
basic system for classifying

When was Blackletter invented and how was it used?

Describer the characteristics of a Blackletter typeface?
highly elaborate

When was Old Style invneted and what was is based on?

Describe the characteristics of an Old Style typeface?
wedge shape

When were formal scripts developed?

When were casual scripts developed?

Describe the characteristics of a Script typeface?

When was Modern typefaces developed and why?

Describe the characteristics of a Modern typeface?
sharp contrast

How early can Sans Serif typefaces be found? What happened?

When did they become popular?

What does "sans serif" mean?
no serif

Describe the characteristics of a Sans Serif typeface?

When was Slab Serif developed and why?

Describe the characteristics of a Slab Serif typeface?

Describe Decorative typefaces?
vary greatly

Why were they developed?
for a spc theme

What are they best used for?
unformal stuff

Monday, November 28, 2011

Stephen Kroniger

What kind of art/design does he produce?
He produced photo collages in newspapers and books.

In what publications/media studios has his work been featured?
Newsweek and New York Times.

Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece...

This piece was published in 
New York Times. It used unity. Also uses balance.

This piece uses harmony. Also uses dominance. It was published in Newsweek.

Review Week 12

How can you, as the designer, use principles of design to help compose a page?- As a Designer, I can use the principles by using many types of them.
What are the principles of design (define each in your own words)? - Balance- is the concept of visual equality. Gradation- the color form of going from warm to cool colors and warm to cool. Repetition- not repeating any patterns. Harmony- the visually effect of an image or design. Dominance- gives that design interest to the audience. Unity- combined elements to make a whole piece.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Review Week 13

 Proportion- All the colors are used equally.
 Contrast- The yellow flowers stand out because of the dark brown leafs in the back.
 Harmony- It uses monochromatic colors.
 Pattern- There's a pattern with the little leaf looking things and the hot pink backround.

 Variety- It's showing variety because of the different colors with the ducks. It is also using complentary colors.
 Movement- It shows movement because as the picture goes to the middle, it makes it seem like it's spinning inwards.
Balance- It shows balance by the top being a white tree with a black backround and the bottom with a black tree and white backround.